A Message to Europe, Greenland, Canada, Mexico, Panama..

..and any other allies our MAGA-lomaniac leader decides to threaten and alienate
America is in distress. As you can see, we are an occupied country at the moment.
Our government is filled with Putin’s puppets and quislings. Traitors. Despicable, greedy sociopaths funded and told what to do by other despicable, greedy sociopaths. Cowards.
Many of them were propped up and voted for by citizens who weren’t acting for the good of their country, the world, or the planet. In fact, they weren’t even acting for their own good. I could write an entire article about that alone — about the motivations of people who would willingly to choose to put an insurrectionist, 34 times convicted criminal, adjudicated r*pist, business fraud, shyster, fraudster, grifter, misogynist, bigoted, antisemitic, homophobic..you get the picture. I’m sure you all are wondering WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, AMERICA?
I’ll just say quickly: 1) our electoral college system SUCKS. 2) Gaza/Israel aid etc alienated a certain percentage of the electorate — some who are regretting their punishment vote or regret sitting the election out now. 3) racism. 4) misogyny. 5) the targeting of young white men the last couple years by the creation of a growing social media “manosphere”, including pundits who we know were paid by Putin (Tim Pool) and some we don’t know but suspect are (Joe Rogan.) You’re seeing the same effect in Germany. Young white men in Germany who’ve either forgotten the Holocaust or maybe were never taught it? I don’t know. Have been targeted by the AfD party. Let’s hope the thousands of Germans who’ve been out protesting AfD have an impact on the election today. 6) WHITE EVANGELICALS who've had political propaganda shoved down their throats by disgusting, evil “preachers” who just want their tax cuts, or want to preserve their tax exemption status, and they know the GOP will let them do that because they are quite effective at getting the rural poor to keep voting against their own self-interests.
The (thankfully failed) former gubernatorial candidate (supported by Trump) Mark Robinson called for the outright KILLING of liberals IN A CHURCH.
I never thought I’d see a CHURCH condone such a thing, but here we are.
Evangelical churches have become hotbeds of hate speech and incitement to violence. Very un-Christian. Christian nationalism is actually the antithesis of everything “Christ” taught in the new testament.
Watch “Bad Faith” on Tubi and see what I’m talking about.
There’s a famous saying by President Lyndon Johnson that “if you can convince the poorest white man he’s better than the best Black man, he’ll let you pick his pockets.” Something to that effect. I saw another appropriate quote: “Many Americans are fine being second-class citizens, so long as there are third-class citizens they can oppress.”
There’s also a big educational divide. Trump once said, “I love the poorly educated.” If you look at where Trump is slipping in the polls now, it’s mainly among Americans who are college graduates or have a post-grad education. (This is why the right has targeted higher education to try to destroy it. Also because universities are hotbeds of liberalism, given the fact that the truth has a liberal bias.)
Okay, so now that I’ve somewhat explained how the U.S. got into this mess, let’s look at how you should act, moving forward, and how we get OUT of the mess.
TO EUROPE: You should have prepared for this!!! Trump said he was running two years ago. Many of us Americans said WTF, UH OH, and once we got over our shock and grief (the man had been indicted and was facing conviction in Manhattan over his porn star payments), we took a realistic look at his chances and started preparing. Getting our passports renewed. Stocking up on prepper supplies. Making contingency plans should he win.
Or did you not read the Mueller Report? Trump was bolstered by billionaires and Putin in his first campaign, and the same thing happened in the second.
Or maybe you thought American justice would move quickly to indict, convict and put him in jail.
Sorry, I really shouldn’t laugh. It’s a morbid, doomer laugh, not a mocking one.
Quite honestly, too many Americans also thought the same. And some of the reason we were so depressed after the election and continue to be is because we believed Merrick Garland when he said “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.” Sigh.
Also, REMEMBER HELSINKI? Remember the Mueller Report? The Marco Rubio-led Judiciary committee report that found Trump did foster ties with Russia — it went even further than Mueller! Which is why it’s nausea-inducing to watch Rubio go along with the destruction of our relationships with our allies and switching our stance to be pro-Putin.
[Sidenote: Trump humiliated Rubio in 2015, calling him “little Marco”. Many American politicians have humlitated themselves in exchange for power and it only led to a fall. Watch Rubio. It will happen to him, too.]
I still see pundits on European media (such as Times Radio) mis-judging Trump and flailing over how to deal with this huge pivot against them.
Here are some tips:
- Release the billions in Russian funds you have tied up in sanctions and give it to Ukraine. No strings attached. Listen to Sir Bill Browder. He knows Putin better than anyone.
And hey, European media — stop trying to be “Trump whisperers”! OMG what is he doing, you ask. Does he love Putin? Is he just trying to be tough to get a better deal? bla bla bla
STOP IT. Just STOP IT. You should have learned by now. He’s a psychopath. He’s irrational.
Like Sir Browder says in the video, stop trying to figure out what motivates him. Just figure out how to deal with it. TAKE THE MONEY CONFISCATED FROM RUSSIA AND GIVE IT TO UKRAINE.
Arm yourselves. Start putting more money into your defense.
I know, it’s incredibly depressing to have to look at us as the bad guys. Believe me, no one feels worse about this than those of us who do not support Trump.
UNIFY. UNITE. Act like you’re the “United States”, only less divisive.
2. PLEASE PLEASE boycott our products. Get in the streets and protest us, like you did in Trump’s first term.
Dig out those Trump baby balloons! We want to see it!
Watching you all protest our self-declared “King” gives us hope. It inspires us to get in the streets, ourselves.
That goes for Canada, Greenland, Panama, and Mexico. BE TOUGH. A majority of Americans do not like this guy and don’t want his policies. The weaker you make America, the more you help us. Just like how even though sanctions against Putin may have hurt his people, it’s also weakened his regime (and a lot of us are afraid Trump will start giving his regime aid.)
Boycott our corporations. Too many of them have donated to Trump and the GOP.
Believe me, more Americans are okay with that than you think.
We’re already going to face economic catastrophe.
Keep up with what’s happening here in the states. Because Trump and Elon are intentionally destroying our country and our government.
We’re facing very very bad times in the future. Probably the immediate future.
Trump has allowed Elon Musk and a bunch of 19 and 20 year old groypers — none of whom understand how our government works — take a hatchet to our government agencies. Thousands of federal employees have been fired. Many of them are even Trump supporters.
Trump has overturned Biden’s best accomplishments, purely out of spite — the American Rescue Plan, and the Inflation Reduction Act.
Many of those policies helped red states. In fact, even Republicans who didn’t vote for them, went to town halls and crowed to their constituents that THEY brought tons of money to their districts and states. LIARS.
Well now, they’re having to deal with angry constituents who are watching that money go POOF, and are also angry that Trump has declared himself a king. No idea where they were when Trump told everybody he’d be a dictator, and the Supreme Court bestowed ultimate immunity from all crimes on him.
You’re going to see more of this. I truly believe that Trump has looked at his dismal polls. They’re watching their own supporters growing increasingly angry that he’s only making things worse for them.
I do not think it’s a coincidence that he’s now fired top generals in a “Friday night massacre”, as well as the JAGs who keep the military in check. Who stop them from committing war crimes.
Guess what? We now have a chief of the Department of Defense WHO SUPPORTS WAR CRIMINALS.
Be afraid. Be very afraid. We are.
Here’s the thing though. He’s engaging in an “anti-DEI” purge of the military. I believe they want all women, LGBTQ troops, and people of color OUT of the military.
That will significantly weaken the miltiary. It might prevent us from helping Putin attack Poland, the. Baltics, and anywhere else he choose once he decimates Ukraine thanks to Trump.
Trump appointed a bunch of astoundingly incompetent and scarily sociopathic cabined members. They will all endanger our national security. Our safety. Our public health. It’s already happening.
Many of the government officials are absolutely batsh*t NUTS.
The U.S. in serious trouble. Cry for us. Support the people, even if you don’t support the government. Keep up the dialogue with the people even if you can’t stand our government. We love you.
Until I move to Europe, I’ll be flying the Canadian flag in support.

Many of us are planning to move to your countries to support you with our spending money and tax money. It’s the ultimate boycott. I expect many will go to Ukraine and fight, like Malcolm Nance did.

And don’t forget what Churchill said:

Copyright S. Wade 2025
Note: I’m only back on Medium temporarily. I am no longer going to post articles on Substack because I found out MAGA Marc Andreesen funds it.
Please follow me on TikTok — Sexycatladiesdotcom
And coming soon: sexyliberals.com
I’m also going to be giving ghost a try: